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20 calcium-rich foods without milk!

by Marina Minko

Calcium is recognized for its leading role in the maintenance of bone health, but its importance is not limited to that. Beyond that, it is essential for proper muscle function and plays an active part in the regulation of blood pressure. Only, for those who do not consume dairy products, whether by personal choice such as veganism or out of necessity as in the case of lactose intolerance, finding foods rich in calcium and lactose-free can represent a real challenge.

Fortunately, the range of possibilities is wide. There are many lactose-free substitute products as well as a wide choice of calcium-rich foods suitable for a lactose-free diet. Whether via legumes, dried fruits or vegetables, the alternatives for an optimal calcium intake are diversified and accessible to all.

Key points to remember

  • Calcium is crucial for bone and muscle health, even without consuming milk.
  • There are foods naturally rich in calcium that are suitable for lactose-free diets.
  • Legumes, dried fruits and some vegetables offer a calcium-rich alternative.
    Incorporating mineral waters and fortified foods can supplement the daily intake of calcium.
  • Consuming a variety of calcium-rich foods helps to maintain a balanced and lactose-free diet.
  • Vitamin D is an important ally for the absorption of calcium and is available in various food sources.

Health benefits of calcium without consuming milk

The integration of calcium-rich and lactose-free foods into the daily diet is essential to maintain optimal bone health without resorting to dairy products. The benefits of calcium on the body are manifold: it is vital for the construction and maintenance of strong bones, for the prevention of fractures and for the maintenance of healthy teeth. But the benefits of calcium don’t end there.

In addition to its contribution to bone health, calcium regulates blood pressure, reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and plays a critical role in the functioning of muscles and nerves, as well as in blood clotting. It also facilitates the transport of nutrients through the cell membrane and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and colon cancer.

Some populations, such as vegetarians, lactose intolerant and the elderly, may find it difficult to get enough calcium only from their diet. Fortunately, many lactose-free foods are naturally rich in calcium, or are enriched with this vital mineral. Among them we find in particular :

  • Leafy green vegetables (such as broccoli, kale, and spinach)
  • Legumes (white beans, chickpeas)
  • Dried fruits (figs, apricots)
  • Seeds (sesame seeds, chia seeds)
  • Fish with bones (sardines, canned salmon)

These alternative sources play a crucial role in preventing osteoporosis and age-related fractures by providing the calcium needed for strong bones.

In summary, it is possible to benefit from the benefits of calcium for bone health without consuming dairy products, by turning to a multitude of healthy and delicious alternatives. Calcium-rich and lactose-free foods are diverse and varied, allowing everyone to find options tailored to their dietary preferences and nutritional needs.

Calcium-rich and lactose-free foods for the intolerant

For people who are lactose intolerant, finding adequate calcium sources can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are a variety of non-dairy foods rich in calcium that can be easily integrated into their daily diet. These foods can provide the necessary intake to maintain good bone health without resorting to dairy products.

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Legumes: a considerable contribution of calcium

Legumes are a particularly interesting source of calcium for lactose intolerants. They include foods such as white beans, red beans and chickpeas. Not only are these legumes rich in calcium nutritious, but they also offer other essential nutrients such as potassium and vitamins, among which folic acid, essential for cell renewal.

Oilseeds: almonds and hazelnuts, calcium mines

Did you know that nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts are calcium-rich almonds and hazelnuts that are a source of calcium? Consuming a small amount of these delicious nuts on a daily basis can make an important contribution to your calcium needs. They also provide proteins, potassium and essential fatty acids.

Dried fruits: figs and dates, sweet options enriched with calcium

Sweet and naturally nutrient-rich options such as calcium-rich dried figs and calcium-rich dates are excellent alternatives to enrich one’s calcium intake. Consumed as snacks or integrated into recipes, these dried fruits not only provide calcium but also vitamins, minerals and an antioxidant content favorable to heart health.

Options for lactose-free products rich in calcium for a daily diet

In order to respect a balanced diet in calcium while excluding lactose, exploring food alternatives is essential. This approach is essential, especially for those who suffer from lactose intolerance or who choose a vegan lifestyle. Lactose-free calcium products and supplements represent a viable solution to compensate for the absence of dairy products. Below, you will find a table detailing the choices of calcium-rich foods for a lactose-free diet, which can be easily integrated into your daily meals.

Enriched almond milk 300 mg per 240 ml Mild-tasting plant-based alternative, often enriched with vitamin D for better calcium absorption.
Firm tofu 253 mg per 100 g Excellent source of protein and iron, convenient for a variety of dishes, from stir-fries to dessert.
Soy yogurts 150-250 mg per 100 g Offers the benefits of probiotics in addition to calcium, while remaining lactose-free.
cooked broccoli 62 mg per 100 g Easy to incorporate into meals, broccoli is also rich in fiber and vitamins.
Mineral water rich in calcium Varies by brand A hydrating source of calcium; check labels for specific contents.


By integrating these alternatives into your diet, you ensure that you meet your calcium needs without resorting to dairy products. The options are varied and can be combined through a multitude of recipes and culinary preparations, thus guaranteeing you a rich and diverse diet.

It is recommended to carefully read the labels of food products to ensure that they are properly enriched with calcium. In case of doubt or for a more personalized approach according to your specific calcium needs, do not hesitate to consult a health professional who will be able to guide you towards the best lactose-free calcium supplements.

Plant foods rich in calcium for a plant-based diet

Many people opt for a lactose-free diet either by choice or by necessity, due to lactose intolerance. It is therefore essential to diversify your sources of calcium intake to maintain good bone health and for the overall proper functioning of the body. Here are some plant foods rich in calcium without lactose that are excellent alternatives.

Spinach: greenery and calcium strength

Far from the simple image of Popeye’s favorite vegetable, spinach is a real source of calcium, especially when cooked. One serving can cover a significant part of the recommended daily calcium requirement, being a perfect option for those who follow a lactose-free diet. They also offer a significant contribution of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants essential for health.

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Tofu: protein substitute also rich in calcium

Tofu, appreciated in vegetarian and vegan cuisines, stands out for its richness in proteins and calcium. This fermented soy paste can be integrated in various ways into the diet and offers the advantage of lactose-free calcium, which makes it a valuable ally for bones and general health.

Algae: a surprising source of calcium

Did you know that algae are also algae rich in calcium? Among the varieties, wakame stands out particularly for its calcium content. The consumption of algae, although beneficial, must however remain moderate due to their ability to concentrate certain substances such as heavy metals.

cooked spinach 136mg Rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, C, K
Firm tofu 350 mg Source of protein and contains isoflavones
Wakame (dry seaweed) 150mg Contains vitamins A, C, E and fiber


By integrating these calcium-rich spinach, calcium-rich tofu and calcium-rich algae into your diet, you can easily vary your mineral intake without resorting to dairy products, while discovering new flavors.

The role of mineral waters in a lactose-free calcium intake

When it comes to finding alternative sources of lactose-free calcium, calcium mineral waters present themselves as an option of choice, especially for those who exclude lactose from their diet. Not only offering essential hydration, these waters are naturally enriched with essential minerals and represent a practical solution to supplement your daily calcium intake.

Brands renowned for their richness in calcium, Hépar and Contrex perfectly illustrate the importance of mineral waters in the recommended daily intake of this vital nutrient.

Hepar 550 Suitable for regular daily intake, especially for people with increased calcium needs
Contrex 468 Ideal for cures or specific diets aimed at strengthening calcium intake


The regular consumption of these calcium mineral waters is a method that can be easily integrated into any lifestyle, thus offering a moisturizing and mineral-rich solution for those who do not consume dairy products or are looking for alternative sources of lactose-free calcium.

Vitamin d: the essential ally of calcium for optimal absorption

Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium in the body, two vital nutrients for the maintenance of good bone health and the prevention of diseases such as osteoporosis. Although many foods provide calcium, the efficiency with which our body can use it depends considerably on the presence of vitamin D. This can be obtained in two ways: through diet and through skin synthesis through sun exposure.

Indeed, the sources of calcium and vitamin D complement each other. For example, oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel are not only excellent sources of calcium, but also provide vitamin D. In addition, eggs and some UV-exposed mushrooms are other examples of foods that can contribute to the supply of these nutrients.

It is important to note that, although exposure to the sun remains a natural method of obtaining vitamin D, it is often necessary to adopt an adapted diet or to consider supplementation during the winter months or for people living in higher latitudes where sunlight is limited.

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Here is a summary table of the key foods for vitamin D intake and calcium absorption:

Salmon, 100g 20 570
Canned sardines, 100g 240 193
Milkshake, 240ml 300 100
UV exposed mushrooms, 100g 2 400


In order to maximize the benefits of these nutrients for bone health, it is recommended to combine a balanced diet rich in vitamin D and calcium absorption with regular physical activity and moderate sun exposure.

The place of legumes in the daily calcium contribution

Adopting a lactose-free diet does not necessarily mean neglecting the calcium intake essential for bone health. Indeed, legumes rich in calcium can largely contribute to the coverage of the daily needs in this vital substance. This article guides you through the different legume options for a balanced lactose-free diet.

The nutritional table below highlights the calcium content of some popular legumes, which are excellent supplements in a dairy-free diet.

Beans 106mg 25g 7.6g
White beans 240 mg 23g 21g
Lupins >170 mg 19g 16g
Soy 197 mg 6g 36g
Chickpeas 105mg 17g 19g
Lenses 19mg 8g 9g


As illustrated, white beans and soybeans stand out in particular for their high calcium content. Broad beans, although less concentrated, remain an interesting source, as do chickpeas which are also appreciated for their texture and flavor. Let’s not forget lentils, these small legumes that, despite their lower calcium content, are a staple food in many vegetable diets.

Incorporating legumes rich in calcium into your diet is a wise choice to maintain a balanced lactose-free diet. In addition, they offer many other beneficial nutrients, such as fiber and protein, thus contributing to satiety and general well-being.

Lactose-free calcium supplementation: when is it necessary?

The daily intake of calcium is crucial for maintaining robust health, but it is not always easy to reach the recommended amounts only through diet, especially for those who must avoid lactose. Age, gender and other physiological factors contribute to determining the need for calcium; that is why the assessment of calcium needs is essential, especially for specific groups such as adolescents, pregnant or lactating women and the elderly.

Needs assessment: how to determine your daily calcium intake

A rigorous evaluation makes it possible to identify if supplementation could be useful. The amount of calcium needed can be estimated taking into account his usual food sources and lifestyle. To secure this approach, the consultation of a health professional is recommended in order to opt for a tailor-made strategy.

Food supplements: choosing the right lactose-free calcium options

There are lactose-free food supplements that are well suited for those who do not consume dairy products. When considering lactose-free calcium supplements, the choice must be made with discernment to avoid drug interactions and correctly adjust the dosage. The supplementation options should be chosen according to their bioavailability and quality, making sure to choose calcium without lactose that corresponds exactly to the individual needs.

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