Easy and cheap, this recipe is the best to make a traditional pastry flan!

Easy and cheap, this recipe is the best to make a traditional pastry flan!

by Marina Minko
pastry flan

Easy, cheap and traditional, our pastry flan recipe is the best to prepare a dessert that throws it. Here are the steps to follow to make it perfectly!

Do you want to end the weekend on a sweet note? We have what you need. We are not going to talk about pancakes, chocolate cake or apple crumble, but about the pastry flan. A real grandmother’s dessert, its texture and vanilla taste transports us directly to childhood. Our Marmitons love this traditional recipe and rated it 4.6 out of 5. Its realization is super simple, so it’s your turn to play, you’re in for a treat!

The plus of the recipe? Well, you probably already have a large majority of the ingredients in your cupboard. Indeed, almost all of us have sugar, eggs or even milk lying around in our kitchen. You also need a shortcrust pastry, cornflour and vanilla bean, which makes this pastry an inexpensive dessert. In addition to being economical, you will not be able to do without its ultra creamy texture.

The ingredients for the traditional pastry flan


  • 75g of powdered sugar
  • 1 shortcrust pastry
  • 45g of cornflour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 1 l of milk

The steps to follow

  • To make the flan, start by boiling the milk with the vanilla pod split lengthwise.
  • Meanwhile, mix the cornflour (sifted) with the sugar.
    Add the beaten eggs.
  • Mix everything and add the hot milk without the vanilla pod.
  • Heat the preparation over low heat, stirring constantly for about 1 to 2 minutes.
    Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  • In a round buttered dish, place the shortcrust pastry.
  • Prick the bottom, pour in your mixture and smooth the surface.
    Bake for 40 minutes.
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Let it cool.

Good tasting!

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